Winter time
is upon us, and with it comes the challenges of driving in snow and icy
conditions. When driving in adverse weather conditions there are many helpful
safety tips given to help drivers get to their destinations without incidents.
Three things I always try to remember in winter weather are preparation,
patience, and performance.
includes having a vehicle that is in optimal condition. Tires should be in good
condition and properly inflated to handle the snow, water, and icy roads can be
a critical factor for safe driving. All fluids should be checked and filled to
the proper levels including that all important washer fluid. In areas where deicers
like magnesium chloride are used, you don’t want to run out of washer fluid or
your visibility could be totally smeared by the splash of the deicing materials
used on the roads. It’s a good idea to carry an extra gallon of washer fluid
along with you in the winter as well, and make sure it is winter rated so it
won’t freeze. It’s critical to keep the wiper blades in good working condition
as well. Jumper cables, a snow/ice scraper, a snow shovel and some sand or cat
litter, even some nonperishable food and a thermal blanket are some of the
basic supplies that many agencies recommend carrying in the winter.
Fill that
gas tank up before the storm hits! More gas means more weight, which can give
your vehicle better traction. Also, a gas tank that is nearly empty is more susceptible
to condensation which can form in the tank and then freeze in your fuel lines, possibly
causing your engine to be difficult or even unable to start. A full tank is a
happy tank!
Clean your vehicle off! I shake my head in amusement sometimes when I see a car
driving down the road with a small area of their windshield cleaned off
and the rest of the car covered in ice and snow. It may look funny, but it is
very unsafe.
When winter weather comes blowing in, the change can be
sudden and sometimes dramatic. Here in Colorado, it is not unusual for the
temperatures to drop 30 or 40 degrees in a very short period of time. Even with
these dramatic and quick changes, you can be prepared by monitoring weather
conditions using all the multimedia resources that are available today.
Patience is required in all driving situations, but
particularly in bad weather. The challenges of safe driving become even greater
in snow and icy conditions. Not all people have experienced driving in winter
weather. But even with winter driving experience, we all must practice more
patience and increase our awareness. Traffic slows down in bad weather which
can cause others to become impatient. Since the road conditions are compromised
in winter weather, planning your drive becomes even more essential. Allowing
extra time is a key aspect in winter driving. Drivers should not expect to be
able to get to their destination in the same amount of time as they do on dry
clear roads. Time management is a factor in many accidents.
Driving in bad weather presents many challenges, but being
prepared, patient, and performing at a higher level, we can increase our level
of safety. Yes, the weather outside can be frightful-but we can still safely
get home to where the fire is so delightful! Safe travels everyone!