CDL Driving Jobs For An 18-20 Year Old? Yes!

An 18-20 year old can obtain a CDL.
They will receive a restriction on their license. Colorado places a K restriction on their CDL. The K restricts them to intra-state commerce. A person with a K restriction on their CDL cannot cross state lines. The restriction will be lifted when they turn 21.
Should a person under 21 obtain a CDL? Even if they cannot cross state lines?
Yes! Finding employment is the hardest part for young truck drivers. But, it's do-able. Most new CDL Drivers have the goal of a good local delivery job. 18-20 year olds have no other choice than a local driving job. A K restriction actually works to your advantage.
We see many people under 21 at CDL College. These CDL drivers find jobs. They may end up working in the oil industry, or as a hostler at Food Distribution company. The experience comes fast for these guys. They set themselves up for a lifetime in the industry by starting young. I couldn't think of a better way for a young person looking for their first career.
Don't buy the normal truck driving school b.s..
They love to say that "Over the Road trucking is the only way into the industry". It's not true. It's the only way into the Over the Road industry. But, it's not the only way into a trucking career. How do I know? I also own Gary's Job Board . We help trucking companies find drivers and CDL driving jobs.
Look at this chart:
Statistics from Gary's Job Board |
There are 294 CDL driving jobs on the site. The local jobs that require less than 6 months are holding their own. You can find a local CDL job with no experience.