This infographic from CDL College demonstrates the Alley Dock maneuver.

You may be tested on this maneuver during the backing portion of the CDL Skiils test. We have demonstrated the different angles and provided notations to help a truck driver perfect the alley dock during the CDL driving test.
Your truck backing skills could be tested using one or more of the following exercises during your CDL Skills road test:
- Forward stop, Straight line backing
- Offset back right
- Offset back left
- Parallel park driver side
- Parallel park conventional
- Alley dock
You may download the CDL Test Alley Dock Inforgraphic here.
The CDL tester will score the amount of occasions you touch or go over a boundary line with any part of your truck. Each encroachment will count as an error.You will be given the opportunity to exit the vehicle once per maneuver to check the area for vehicle position.
However, an excessive number of pull-ups, looks, or encroachments will result the outcome of the basic skill tests.
It is important that you complete each exercise exactly as the tester has instructed you. If you fail to maneuver the truck into its final position you actually receive a penalty.
A CDL Driver may be asked to back their truck or bus into an alley dock. You'll need to bring the rear of your truck or bus as
close as to the back of the alley dock, without going over the exercise boundary. The boundary will be marked
by a line of cones.
The dimsnsions of the alley dock are:
40' Long12' Wide
2' Stop Box
You may download the CDL Test Alley Dock Inforgraphic here.